You will probably have to scroll to see all of this ad, but I wanted you to be able to actually read it.

Here's an ad from about 1961 that I got off of Ebay in an auction and it clearly shows the Fury from a totally different aspect.

For one thing, I bet there are few of you alive who have ever seen caps coming out of the right side like this. I never have. I was never lucky enough to own one of these jewels. Too expensive!!! What was I thinking? I could have saved my money and bought a few and almost retired, they are so expensive now!

This ad also shows the Mustang 500, that uses the same roll of caps. It was one of Uncle Talley's favorites.

I'm not going to show it to you, but on the other side of this ad is an ad for something else, but it features Captain Kangaroo, one of my heroes during the fifties and sixties. Lee Marvin, said that Bob Keeshan (the captain of a kiddie show in the mornings) was the bravest man he had ever known (in the war), and Bob had been his sergeant. Quite a compliment.

Click On Photo For Cap Gun's Parent Page